Since I first walked the labyrinth at St. Mary's White Chapel, I knew it was a special place. It's like a portal to your soul that allows you to view yourself and God with a new, deeper understanding. Thirteen years ago I married my husband, Michael, who has multiple myeloma. I am his caregiver and am learning how be present for him but also honor who I am. Thank you for taking this journey to the center with me.

Help Us Fight Cancer!

My husband, Michael, has Multiple Myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in the blood. His prognosis wasn't good when I first met him. Funny how the idea of facing death, makes us appreciate every new morning as a gift to be cherished. We promised to "Celebrate our Love" every single day, but some days are more challenging than others.
On days we don't have doctor appointments or treatments, we enjoy creating things together. Sometimes, the item is for us and sometimes it's a gift. We plan to sell some of our treasures and donate the money to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. They help cancer patients like Michael with out-of-pocket expenses and have been very good to us. I will be posting items soon.
Help us fight cancer!