I remember the moment that Michael said these words to me. "I choose life. I choose you." He was trying to reassure me that he was serious about spending the rest of our lives together. Hey, we both were taking a chance with each other. I knew Michael had multiple myeloma and he knew I had had a triple bypass. Neither one of us likely had a long "rest of our lives" but we knew that every single day together was a gift from God. Time is something to be treasured--not wasted. It's been four years since we were married at the Labyrinth at St. Mary's White Chapel. Michael's numbers are almost normal, his 13th and 17th chromosomes have regenerated. (Deletions on these two indicate a rapid progression of his disease.) I am certain the Lord repaired his chromosomes. I don't know how much time we will have but we try hard to cherish every moment.
This Soul Collage card reminds me of our honeymoon on the Rapidan River at Graves Mountain Lodge. It will always be a magical, special place for us. Happy Anniversary, my love!